Eway Payment Gateway v5.2.1
Eway Payment Gateway v5.2.1 has been released. Event Espresso crash in Payment Settings has been fixed.
Eway Payment Gateway v5.2.1 has been released. Event Espresso crash in Payment Settings has been fixed.
Eway Payment Gateway v5.2.0: Events Manager Pro integration has been upgraded to v3.2+ Gateway API and support for its legacy gateway has been removed.
Eway Payment Gateway v5.1.0 prevents a fatal error in Event Espresso with no CSE key; supports WooCommerce HPOS; is tested up to WooCommerce 8.2.
Eway Payment Gateway v5.0.0 requires PHP 7.4+, and WooCommerce 3.0+; requires Eway Rapid API key / password; and the legacy XML API is no longer supported.
Eway Payment Gateway v4.5.1 has just been released, adding warning notices for missing prerequisites of the next major release.
Eway Payment Gateway v4.5.0 has just been released. This updates Eway branding throughout the plugin.