Eway Payment Gateway v4.5.1

Eway Payment Gateway v4.5.1 has just been released, adding warning notices for missing prerequisites of the next major release.

Version 5.0 is in the pipeline, and it’s a major release with many changes. It will change the minimum requirements for WordPress, PHP, and WooCommerce. Critically, it will also remove support for the legacy XML API and only support the Rapid API.

Version 4.5.1 adds tests to warn you if your website won’t be able to run version 5.0. Please install version 4.5.1 so that you can see what changes will be required when version 5.0 is released. Here’s what it looks for:

Example warnings from version 4.5.1
Example warnings from version 4.5.1

If you update to version 4.5.1 and don’t see a warning message like the one above, it means that your website will be safe to update when version 5.0.0 is released.

I’m also making sure that you can’t accidentally upgrade to the new major release if your website is running WordPress or PHP below the minimum versions.

You can update to the latest version from your WordPress plugin admin page. Here’s the full changelog for Eway Payment Gateway.