Gravity Forms Eway Pro v1.13.0
Gravity Forms Eway Pro v1.13.0 has been released. The minimum required PHP version is now 7.3; is Gravity Forms 2.7 compatible; and some minor fixes.
WordPress plugins for website builders
Gravity Forms Eway Pro v1.13.0 has been released. The minimum required PHP version is now 7.3; is Gravity Forms 2.7 compatible; and some minor fixes.
Gravity Forms Address Enhanced v1.25.0 adds regions of Senegal; Ukraine codes match the WooCommerce version; compatible with WooCommerce 7.2, Gravity Forms 2.7
Eway Payment Gateway v5.0.0 requires PHP 7.4+, and WooCommerce 3.0+; requires Eway Rapid API key / password; and the legacy XML API is no longer supported.
Minimum Age for WooCommerce v1.0.18 has been released. Filter hook mininum_age_woo_checkout_hook now works from themes.
GF Address Enhanced v1.24.2 fixes a fatal error on GF 2.4 or earlier; fixes a merge tag was showing for some new signups; is compatible with GF 2.7.
Gravity Forms Address Enhanced v1.24.1 fixes a bug where the gf_address_enhanced_state merge tag was showing for anonymous visitors.