Pay Now Button for eWAY

Pay Now Button for eWAY v1.0.0 has just been released. Accepting payments online has never been easier!

eWAY has a nice little script for adding a Pay Now button to your website. It can be as simple as copying some script code from your MYeWAY console and pasting it into a page. Easy!

There are a few restrictions, however, and you can run afoul of the WordPress editor and what some plugins do with page content, so I’ve wrapped it all up in a nice simple plugin. Apart from making things more reliable, the plugin brings other benefits:

  • you can add a button using a shortcode
  • you can add a button using a widget
  • customers can enter the amount — great for donations
  • customers can enter an invoice reference — great for online invoice payments
Pay Now button with customer-entered amount
Pay Now button with customer-entered amount

It needs to be stressed: this is a really simple solution, and it won’t be suitable for many online payment scenarios! It is, however, a really simple way to start accepting payments online without having to tool up on a full ecommerce solution.