Gravity Forms eWAY Pro v1.1.1 has just been released. This release provides better support for Salesforce integration, and delayed actions / notifications with token customer creation.
Form builders using the free Gravity Forms Salesforce add-on to send their new entries to Salesforce can now delay that process until after a successful transaction when using the Responsive Shared Page. This Salesforce integration is pretty specific to that free add-on, but if you’re using a different approach to integrate Salesforce with Gravity Forms and eWAY, let me know and I’ll look at handling that too.
Creating a token customer without a transaction has better support too. When creating a token customer just to get the customer token but without charging anything just yet, you can now send a notification by running it on the Subscription Created event. Read more about notifications and the Responsive Shared Page. I also discovered that some delayed actions were not firing for this type of submission, so I’ve fixed that — including User Registration, MailChimp, and Zapier.
You can update to the latest version from your WordPress plugin admin page. Here’s the full changelog for Gravity Forms eWAY Pro.